
- Date: 11 Jan, 2018
- Posted by: Leah Thurber
- Category: Study
If it weren't for the existence of online degree programs, many people would not be able to pursue their dreams of going to college. This is because online degree programs are flexible, and are available to students who may not have a college or university within driving distance.

- Date: 07 Dec, 2017
- Posted by: Leah Thurber
- Category: Study
Be honest. Did you really think that this book wouldn't be on any list about the best Christmas books of all time? This book hits it on all four cylinders. There are lessons to be learned that are delivered in an awesome way that doesn't involve lecturing. There are endearing characters. There's action. There's suspense. There is wicked humor.

- Date: 18 Nov, 2017
- Posted by: Leah Thurber
- Category: Writing
Creativity is a great talent. And certainly the world needs a lot of creative minds to develop the technology and to work to solve the very big issues that face us. But there is another skill that must go along with creativity, and that is productivity. All of the best ideas are nothing without productivity that will turn them into reality.
- Tagged in: writing college success time management student

- Date: 07 Nov, 2017
- Posted by: Emily Brown
- Category: Study
We get a lot of emails from students who use our services asking us for advice on succeeding in college. Some of the questions are related to academics, but others are related to campus life, financial issues, relationships, well-being, and simply having fun. All of this got us thinking. If we could go back in time, what advice would we give ourselves?

- Date: 12 Oct, 2017
- Posted by: Emily Brown
- Category: Writing
As a new college student, you’ve surely written more than a few essays. However, if you aren’t earning A’s and B’s, you could have a real problem. Chances are good that you simply aren’t doing the things that boost your essays from high school to college level. Fortunately, there are several tips and tricks that you can use as you learn how to write a college essay.

- Date: 20 Sep, 2017
- Posted by: Emily Brown
- Category: Study
Who says our love for toys must disappear when we become adults? Do we ever really outgrow our affection for nifty little gadgets that keep us entertained, organized, and that makes our lives a little more convenient. College students especially are known for their love of devices, gadgets, and other tech gear.

- Date: 10 Sep, 2017
- Posted by: Leah Thurber
- Category: Study
Picture ten entrepreneurs, varying ages and genders, working in completely different niches. What could they possibly have in common? Each of them has learned a valuable lesson as they have conceived, launched, and expanded their empires, and they are willing to share those lessons with others.
- Tagged in: success tips job entrepreneurship study

- Date: 26 Aug, 2017
- Posted by: Emily Brown
- Category: Writing
It’s not like you are a news reporter. They probably have it easier, right? All they have to do is wait for things to happen and the write about them. As a content writer, you have to do both – come up with the ideas and write about them too. And if you are trying to maintain a blog and post at least once or twice a week, it is not long until you are scraping the bottom trying to find anything to write about.
- Tagged in: writing tips ideas content

- Date: 24 Aug, 2017
- Posted by: Emily Brown
- Category: Writing
Finding motivation to do the most basic daily tasks can sometimes be impossible. There’s just something keeping us down and we can’t shake the feeling of powerlessness. It’s even worse if you’re a college student or a worker, having to dedicate several hours a day to work. You feel down and you just want to go back to your bed. Sometimes not even the deadlines can help you. You have so much work to do and yet you fail to find the will to keep moving.
- Tagged in: motivation education methods

- Date: 23 Jun, 2017
- Posted by: Emily Brown
- Category: Study
85% of all college assignments involve reading – textbooks, outside reading assignments, and research for essays and papers. You just can’t get around it. And your ability to read fast and with good comprehension will be a major factor in your academic success in college. If you struggle with reading we're here to help!